Ad Hoc Arbitration
Ad hoc arbitration is a form of dispute resolution where parties agree to arbitrate their disputes without the involvement of a specific arbitral institution. In ad hoc arbitration, the parties themselves manage various aspects of the arbitration process, including selecting arbitrators, determining procedural rules, and administering the proceedings.

At the request of either party (or both parties, as necessary) in an ad hoc arbitration, CI-MAC may:
1. appoint arbitrator(s); and/or
2. determine the number of arbitrators
3. decide a challenge to an arbitrator.
The fee for appointing one arbitrator is US$1,000.
The fee for determining the number of arbitrators is US$1,000.
The Challenge Registration Fee is US$5,500.
The arbitral tribunal's fees and expenses shall be determined in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules or law.
Requests for
A Party may make a request for one or more of these services by sending CI-MAC a request by email to, together with:
(a) a copy of the relevant clause, standalone agreement or decision of a third entity for CI-MAC to act or be designated as the appointing authority;
(b) a copy of the underlying contract between the Parties;
(c) a summary of the nature of the dispute and the expertise the Parties have agreed that the Neutral should have;
(d) the email address of each Party including the email address of any legal representatives who are authorized to act on legal matters for the Party

Hearing Rooms
Whether you are involved in ad hoc arbitration or arbitration administered by another institution but physically held in Cayman, our services extend beyond administering arbitrations; we offer facility rental, transcription services, translation services, and cutting-edge online platforms to facilitate every aspect of your dispute resolution journey. We empower you with the tools and resources to navigate the arbitration process efficiently and effectively, ensuring a fair and equitable resolution. Please don't hesitate to reach out and let us know what you need.